Tag Archives: r410a

Understanding R-410A Refrigerant Prices for Homeowners

If you’re thinking about getting an AC replacement soon, this is the opportune time to learn more about how these updates can affect your home’s comfort. AC units cannot seamlessly transition from R410 to A2L refrigerants. The air conditioner must be designed specifically for the A2L product. Therefore, the move to new refrigerants will only […]

The R-410A Phase-Out

Basically this rule introduced dates of when HFC refrigerants would be phased out. The next year in 2016 an amendment to the Montreal Protocol was announced and signed. This amendment, known as the Kigali Amendment, scheduled the phase out of HFC refrigerants across the globe. Every time 404A was released, vented, or leaked into the […]

What You Need to Know About the R-410A Phase Out Legacy Cooling, Heating, Plumbing & Electrical

This refrigerant replaces R-502 in new and existing refrigeration equipment. This refrigerant is highly flammable and not an acceptable alternative for your residential AC system. In some cases, it may also contain small amounts of other hydrocarbons or a pine-scented odorant. A few modifications need to be made to the system under optimal operation and […]

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