R-22 vs R-410A Refrigerant: Key Differences and Alternatives

Replacing R-410A with R-454B presents opportunities and challenges for homeowners and contractors. While the environmental benefits are clear with its lower GWP, compatibility and safety measures should be considered when making the change. Staying informed about refrigerant technologies can empower your HVAC and refrigerant decisions moving forward.

The refrigerant is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), and it’s safer for the environment than R-22, its predecessor. Its Global Warming Potential (GWP) is at 2,088 and has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP). The HCFCs were considered less damaging to r410a refrigerant the environment than R-12. The US, for example, banned the manufacture and importation of R-22 (Freon) following the 2010 Clean Air Act.

For example, you can’t top off a car that uses regular oil with synthetic oil without damaging the heat pump or air conditioner. We will be able to repair your systems well into the expected life of your new 410A system. If your air conditioner still has many years left in its service life, you can enjoy your AC and start planning for a later replacement. The best way to find the perfect schedule for making this upgrade is by setting a consultation appointment. We can help you find a new AC that suits your budget, your home cooling goals, and your needs. Your owner’s manual will say what refrigerant your HVAC system uses.

HVAC.com explains what homeowners need to know about this refrigerant and how changes in R-410A refrigerant prices can affect you. In conclusion, the phase-out of R410A refrigerants represents a significant step towards a more sustainable future. A2Ls have been in use for years in small HVAC appliances such as window units or packaged terminal air conditioners (PTAC).

410a freon

410A is anywhere from fifty to sixty percent higher pressure than R-22. So, while the basic design and operating procedures of 410A remain the same as R-22 extra caution should be paid to the pressure of 410A. AC & Heating Connect is the expert source for homeowners, contractors and facility managers seeking timely and accurate HVAC information that equips them to make informed decisions. There are two main categories of pressure controls – high pressure and low pressure. These controls may be individual or combined into one control and are designed to protect the compressor. R410a works by absorbing heat from the air inside a building and then releasing it to the atmosphere outside.

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